Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tatting this week

Well I had fun with a little tatting this week. I tatted a snow flake with my new thread. The thread is so pretty, but I find working with the metallic sliver running through it kind of a pain. I had a terrible time, with the outside round. I kept going in the wrong direction. Had to keep cutting it off and trying again.

I have been working on Jane's Tat it and See.

Here is my work so far.

I also decided to try the camel. Mine looks more like a horse. It was fun. I used different colors. No matter how many times I started over again on the leg I could not get it right. So mine is facing the opposite direction. I think it was one of those weeks or all the medication I am on.


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I've never tried metallic thread, and from the various posts I've read, it sounds like it's very difficult to work with. Congratulations on sticking with it! I like your camel too! Oh, to be able to tat again... three more weeks!

Tatskool said...

That camel sure looks nice to me he looks much more athletic than mine...must be a racing camel! Love the colours too.