Saturday, May 5, 2007

Weird Judging

OK. I don't enter alot of different fairs. I usually only enter in our fair, which is in September. A friend of mine has been working with one of the smaller fairs. They really wanted me to enter some tatting, because no one does. My friend came and picked out a few of my tatted items. First was the columbine I made last year. See picture on my webshots Next was the small apricote colored doily on my blog. Then this cross and snowflake. I could not believe it when my friend gave me the results. Judges comments are as follows: Small doily pretty, did not like the cross because she does not like varigated thread, Liked the poky things coming out of the columbine flowers, and believe it or not.......the snowflake she loved and gave best of class!?!? I don't get it.