Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No Tatting to Show and snow

Well.......been too long since I blogged. I have done some tatting, but forgot to take a picture before it went off for my ss.

Mostly I have been knitting scarfs to give to a group of college students that have been coming to our church. Last Sunday we were going to hand them out with cookies and it snowed so hard, church was cancelled. I have also been knitting Prayer Shawls. Love them. I love working with the homespun yarn. It is so soft and squishy.

Today it started snowing again. All day!!!! So now our quilt guild Christmas party was cancelled.

My golden retriever, Jack has not been out as much as he likes. The temperatures have been very chilly. On one website, they said if the snow makes crunchy sounds when you walk on it and your dog keeps holding his feet is too cold. The website has a pattern for making simple fleece dog boots. I had seen it before, but figured Jack would not keep them on. At first he rejected them and now he loves them. I found another website that says you can make them from upholstery fabrics. I was given lots of fleece fabrics and lots of the upholstery fabrics, so I can make quite a few. When he comes in out of the snow, he does not have all that compact snow between his toes. I just take off the boots and hang them on a hanger to dry. I think I will make them for muddy weather and rain also. A lot less mess to my floors. Here is the website and a picture of Jack in his.


Unknown said...

That is so cute that you made little boots for your doggie! How cute that he wears them now, too!

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

This picture of Jack is too funny.
We have boots for my dog and when she wears them we laugh hysterically!